Bad sugar

Bad sugar

There has been plenty of research done that tells us that a diet high in sugar is bad for our health.

High cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, inflammation are just a few health risks associated with consuming too much sugar.

Not all sugar is bad

There is a difference to the sugar found in a glass of fizzy drink as opposed to a glass of fresh fruit juice.

Natural sugar tends to be found in whole unprocessed foods like fructose in fruit, or lactose in a glass of skim milk.

They also tend to be low in calories and sodium with many vitamins and minerals, and the fibre in the fresh fruits slows down digestion, so you avoid the sugar spike you might get when eating a sugary cupcake for instance.

The lactose in milk comes with a serving of protein that helps us with sustained energy, so you feel fuller for longer compared to after consuming a sugar packed fizzy drink.

And over time having consistently high blood glucose contributes to health problems such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.

Try not to snack on quick processed food

There are many of us who like to eat quick processed snacks when we are hungry. In fact, many children take these processed snacks to school in their lunchboxes because they are easy.

These products are often high in sugar and high in calories.  For instance, a simple Muesli protein bar can have at least 7.5 g of sugar in it.

New recommendations tell us that adults (and children over 11) should be consuming no more than 30 grams (7 cubes) of sugar each day.

On average, this is about half the amount of sugar an adult currently consumes per day. Teenagers are consuming about 3 times the recommended amount. Read more here

Sugar is everywhere

Sugar can be found in so many foods.

For instance it is found in Pasta – 150g of pasta sauce can contain up to 3 tsp of sugar.

Many sauces and condiments such as tomato, or Barbeque sauce can have as much as 23g of sugar in 100g – roughly half a teaspoon per serving.

A 500ml bottle of cola contains the equivalent of 17 cubes of sugar.

Fructose and Leptin

Fructose is sometimes called “fruit sugar”. It is a naturally occurring sugar found primarily in fruits (such as pears, apples, dates, and prunes), but it is also found in vegetables (such as artichokes, asparagus, mushrooms, onions and red peppers) and in honey.

Consuming fructose also increases your hunger and desire for food more than glucose would, which is the main type of sugar found in starchy foods.

Excessive fructose consumption may also cause resistance to leptin, an important hormone that regulates hunger and tells your body to stop eating.

For people struggling to loose weight, hormones often affect their overall health.

Excess body fat can cause problems with weight and hormonal issues. Leptin is one of the hormones directly connected to body fat and obesity. Read more here

I guess the only way you can be certain what you are eating is to check the labels for sugar content before putting it in your shopping trolley.

Didn’t Oscar Wilde say “Everything in moderation even moderation”?

©2021|| Author| Kathryn

“Health-full” honey bees

Is honey good for us? Raw honey has been enjoyed thoughout history and has always been known for its health benefits and medical uses. It has a source of antioxidants with compounds known as polyphenols which may play a role in preventing heart disease. Phytonutrients...

7 Cancer Myths

Cancer and common myths Cancer is something we are programmed to fear. Cancer statistics in the United States alone make quite alarming reading Yet the World Health Organisation reported that in 2019 the top 10 causes of death accounted for 55% of the 55.4 million...

A dog in sheep’s clothing

Thinking of selling? Don't be a dog in sheep's clothing. Do it the right way. You would not be the first sellers who have questioned what their own obligations are as to what they should disclose to potential buyers. There are some out there who will blatantly hide a...

Air fryer health benefits

When we we were renovating, I purchased my first air fryer. We had limited space so it was ideal until my brand new kitchen was installed. I have since bought my 2nd air fryer (  the same brand -deLonghi "ideal fry"), so we can take one away with us in the motorhome,...

Apple Cider Vinegar’s Mum

When fighting illness, it is common to search for products that promote healing. One thing I searched for was a way of maintaining an alkaline body. We were told that cancer does not like an alkaline environment. Cancer cells apparently thrive in acidity (low pH), but...

Are we teens addicted to gaming?

Are you spending too much time gaming or on your mobile phone? A huge percentage of children play video games and studies show an unhealthy percentage can get addicted to them. Did you also know that the World Health Organisation have recognised gaming addiction as a...

Can you hear me?

Everyone has bad days. Some days are just worse than others! When we communicate with others it is important to feel that you are heard. How often do you feel that people talk over you? It happens in shops, especially as you get older, or with people who are too busy...

Understanding Dementia

Wendy was only 58 when she was diagnosed with dementia. This brave lady has written a book about her disease. I was listening to Radio NZ this morning and heard an interview with Wendy who spoke of her life now. She seemed to normalise the disease. A disease that has...

Bad sugar

There has been plenty of research done that tells us that a diet high in sugar is bad for our health. High cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, inflammation are just a few health risks associated with consuming too much sugar. Not...

More rainbows please

Symbols of hope They say a rainbow is a symbol of hope. Rainbows are supposed to be a positive sign. They can bring a smile to the saddest person and lighten most people's moods. After my husband died I used to look out for them as I wondered about the belief in...

Create a “laugh alot” garden for kids

Remember those days of 'Lock down' which must have been incredibly hard on many people, but especially so if you were cooped up indoors with no space to play. Easy projects to keep the kids busy don’t always come to mind, but there are some that are clear winners....

Virus or bacterial infection?

With the spread of Omnicron, one of the variants of Covid-19, it is hard not to put every sniffle or tummy ache down to having the virus. This is essentially because, even though most of us who have been able to be vaccinated, have done so, most countries are having...

Mangoes are the fruit of eternal love

Who doesn't love a mango? I remember as a child eating mangoes in Africa - we would clean the stone and draw faces on it making it look like a hairy face! Later in Australia, we loved eating them and would include them in salads and puddings. The Mango is the...

Is Hashimotos Thyroiditis incurable?

 So you have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis? I was also diagnosed after many years of feeling unwell. At first, in Australia, I was tested for Ross River disease, and then the doctor sent me off to a Heart Surgeon who organised an angiogram for my heart, after I failed some...

Bounce back from illness

Ask anybody who has been ill and I am sure that they will agree, it can sometimes be hard to bounce back from illness, without following some simple rules. Stay hydrated Eat well Rest often Keep pain under control Keep moving Have a positive attitude Be kind to...

Herbs and health benefits

Herbs provide a lot of goodness to our diets  and this is often ignored by many of us in this busy world of ours. If we can improve our lifestyle by growing a little herb garden, then isn't it something worth considering ? You don't need a lot of space to create your...

Be positive and hold on tight!

Trying to stay positive is not always easy. Most of us know at least one person who seems to always see the bright side of life. And it is also true to say that we all know someone who leaves us feeling drained or sad. After undergoing some worrying health issues, I...

Eating right as a teenager

When you are a teenager it is very important to eat a healthy diet. This will help you with skin infections like acne and help you develop strong healthy bones. Of course you can have a little treat every now and then, but too much could cause serious problems for you...

Teenagers who are stressed and anxious

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Can Pets improve our mental health?

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Stressed & Angry?

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Zoomers and creative writing

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Feeling like a sad bear?

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Greens are good says Maddie

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Oranges to stay healthy

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Auto immune diseases

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Baby Baby good for you?

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Maddie’s raw egg shake

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Home and income… really ?

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Befriend the little birds

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A drawing by Maddie ( age 11)

Spirulina for smoothies

When my husband was undergoing chemotherapy, one of the super foods that he was recommended to use daily was Spirulina. During his cancer journey, our favourite shops soon became the pharmacies and the many health food shops, while we searched for ways of limiting the...

Cancer and Bicarb of soda

When my husband was diagnosed with cancer we were told that bicarbonate of soda was something we should investigate and get into the habit of using daily. We wanted to try every possible avenue in order to keep him healthy while he underwent the invasive chemotherapy...

Do you miss the world?

Covid-19 has made it a long 16 months so far. Just when it seems things are getting better, there is another outbreak. Like many people, I have decided to wait and get vaccinated before travelling overseas, even though I miss my family so much. Having an auto immune...


When my husband was battling cancer, lemons were one fruit that really helped. We used lemon zest in our salads, lemon juice in his smoothies and teas. Lemons are known to have an alkalising effect in the body. While they are acidic, to begin with, they also are...

Buyer’s remorse

So often when we purchase something we have a feeling of remorse soon after. This is no different when you purchase a house, in fact, the remorse and be much worse. Experienced real estate negotiators are keen to get the deal done that day for this reason. They will...

Smart gadgets

Renovating a home is not for the faint hearted Take it from one who knows! Smart wiring, or smart homes are often talked about and the digital natives amongst us know all the tricks. Just listening to some of the things required in our new smart home made my head...

Messy house or hoarder?

Sometimes it is hard to differentiate between hoarding and extreme clutter. Many times in my real estate career, I have come across people who do not see the clutter when they come to sell their homes. It is rude to point it out to them, and sometimes difficult to be...

Houses built from hemp

Some interesting ways of building homes over the years have included products such as Hemp. It has apparently been used globally as a natural building product for thousands of years. Recently a Western Australian couple hand built their three-bedroom home on a...

10 Simple Life Hacks to Stay Healthy and Active

Introduction to Healthy LivingIn today's fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can often feel overwhelming. However, implementing a few simple life hacks can significantly improve your well-being and help you stay active. This blog post explores effective...

10 warning signs to look out for when buying a house

Renovating is not always easy. Even the the tasks that look like they could be simple can turn out to me a mission to finish! Have you ever found a few cracked tiles in the kitchen and thought about replacing them? It is okay if you have spare matching tiles, but what...

A wise old donkey

One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway, it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey. He...

Are you a hoarder?

Are you a hoarder? They say you should always "declutter" when selling your home? When I was selling my own home after the death of my husband, I wondered if I was a hoarder! They say that hoarding is often a coping mechanism. Apparently if we are bereaved , or...

Create a “laugh alot” garden for kids

Create a “laugh alot” garden for kids

Remember those days of ‘Lock down’ which must have been incredibly hard on many people, but especially so if you were cooped up indoors with no space to play.

Easy projects to keep the kids busy don’t always come to mind, but there are some that are clear winners.

When my children were younger they loved the good old sandpit, the swing and the tree house.

I remember thinking that it must have seemed high up to them, when in fact it was only a low timber base on a very short tree stump.

They would play for hours, climbing up and jumping off again.

The sandpit was only an old tractor tyre, which we had lined with thick black plastic, and filled with beach sand. The swing was an old car tyre, held by a thick rope on each side.

The base of the tree house was made from old timber, and was a very simple structure, yet they dragged every toy up there to enjoy their world of play.

Ideas for child friendly play areas at home

Noughts and Crosses game

This looks great when finished and should provide hours of fun.

It is a simple DIY project which should be easy to create, and even easier to set up and pack away each time.

Keep the children happily engaged – Read more here

If you want to build  a more permanent game, you will need some more serious tools as well as pavers, sleepers, and plywood.

Take a look  here

Hop scotch court

This entails a little more work, but the kids can get involved and you will all have fun creating the space. What better way to enjoy something together

Take a look here 

Build a sand pit

If you want an easy sand pit, you can buy a simple large container and fill it with sand, but why stop there.

Have a look at this Pirates Ship sandpit – what fun to build this! The kids will love watching it take shape too.

Tyre swings

There are not many kids out there who will hate a swing I am sure. Tyre swings have been around forever. Have a look at these 

If you have not got a tree, then sometimes, just hanging an old tyre from a patio roof beam will do the trick.

Loft bed indoor playhouse

If you are short on space in the garden then there a ways of creating play areas indoors for the children.

Have a look at these wonderful ideas for loft beds and play areas

By being creative it definitely has its advantages.

Have a look at more ideas here. There are so many things that you can make yourself and so what is stopping you?

You might just find that you had a skill that you never ever knew you possessed!


©2024|| Author| Kathryn

“Health-full” honey bees

Is honey good for us? Raw honey has been enjoyed thoughout history and has always been known for its health benefits and medical uses. It has a source of antioxidants with compounds known as polyphenols which may play a role in preventing heart disease. Phytonutrients...

7 Cancer Myths

Cancer and common myths Cancer is something we are programmed to fear. Cancer statistics in the United States alone make quite alarming reading Yet the World Health Organisation reported that in 2019 the top 10 causes of death accounted for 55% of the 55.4 million...

A dog in sheep’s clothing

Thinking of selling? Don't be a dog in sheep's clothing. Do it the right way. You would not be the first sellers who have questioned what their own obligations are as to what they should disclose to potential buyers. There are some out there who will blatantly hide a...

Air fryer health benefits

When we we were renovating, I purchased my first air fryer. We had limited space so it was ideal until my brand new kitchen was installed. I have since bought my 2nd air fryer (  the same brand -deLonghi "ideal fry"), so we can take one away with us in the motorhome,...

Apple Cider Vinegar’s Mum

When fighting illness, it is common to search for products that promote healing. One thing I searched for was a way of maintaining an alkaline body. We were told that cancer does not like an alkaline environment. Cancer cells apparently thrive in acidity (low pH), but...

Are we teens addicted to gaming?

Are you spending too much time gaming or on your mobile phone? A huge percentage of children play video games and studies show an unhealthy percentage can get addicted to them. Did you also know that the World Health Organisation have recognised gaming addiction as a...

Can you hear me?

Everyone has bad days. Some days are just worse than others! When we communicate with others it is important to feel that you are heard. How often do you feel that people talk over you? It happens in shops, especially as you get older, or with people who are too busy...

Understanding Dementia

Wendy was only 58 when she was diagnosed with dementia. This brave lady has written a book about her disease. I was listening to Radio NZ this morning and heard an interview with Wendy who spoke of her life now. She seemed to normalise the disease. A disease that has...

Bad sugar

There has been plenty of research done that tells us that a diet high in sugar is bad for our health. High cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, inflammation are just a few health risks associated with consuming too much sugar. Not...

More rainbows please

Symbols of hope They say a rainbow is a symbol of hope. Rainbows are supposed to be a positive sign. They can bring a smile to the saddest person and lighten most people's moods. After my husband died I used to look out for them as I wondered about the belief in...

Create a “laugh alot” garden for kids

Remember those days of 'Lock down' which must have been incredibly hard on many people, but especially so if you were cooped up indoors with no space to play. Easy projects to keep the kids busy don’t always come to mind, but there are some that are clear winners....

Virus or bacterial infection?

With the spread of Omnicron, one of the variants of Covid-19, it is hard not to put every sniffle or tummy ache down to having the virus. This is essentially because, even though most of us who have been able to be vaccinated, have done so, most countries are having...

Mangoes are the fruit of eternal love

Who doesn't love a mango? I remember as a child eating mangoes in Africa - we would clean the stone and draw faces on it making it look like a hairy face! Later in Australia, we loved eating them and would include them in salads and puddings. The Mango is the...

Is Hashimotos Thyroiditis incurable?

 So you have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis? I was also diagnosed after many years of feeling unwell. At first, in Australia, I was tested for Ross River disease, and then the doctor sent me off to a Heart Surgeon who organised an angiogram for my heart, after I failed some...

Bounce back from illness

Ask anybody who has been ill and I am sure that they will agree, it can sometimes be hard to bounce back from illness, without following some simple rules. Stay hydrated Eat well Rest often Keep pain under control Keep moving Have a positive attitude Be kind to...

Herbs and health benefits

Herbs provide a lot of goodness to our diets  and this is often ignored by many of us in this busy world of ours. If we can improve our lifestyle by growing a little herb garden, then isn't it something worth considering ? You don't need a lot of space to create your...

Be positive and hold on tight!

Trying to stay positive is not always easy. Most of us know at least one person who seems to always see the bright side of life. And it is also true to say that we all know someone who leaves us feeling drained or sad. After undergoing some worrying health issues, I...

Eating right as a teenager

When you are a teenager it is very important to eat a healthy diet. This will help you with skin infections like acne and help you develop strong healthy bones. Of course you can have a little treat every now and then, but too much could cause serious problems for you...

Teenagers who are stressed and anxious

When you are a teenager, there are many things that can cause stress. Most teens don't really like to talk about it so will mostly struggle with their anxiety on their own. Teenagers are known for getting far less sleep than the recommended amount of sleep we require...

Avoiding acne as a teen

Ask any teenager- acne is no fun! If you understand what causes acne then you can try and manage it with ease. When your skin follicles become blocked with oil or dead skin cells, then acne appears. It can be common for teens, but older people in their fifties can...

Business Lingo- Cars NOT Cows!

The Big Move- 1995 Emigrating to a land at the bottom of the world was exciting if not different. There were many things other than acclimatising to the cold to get used to, but also trying to understand the quick speech and odd sayings of my new country was a...

Asbestos hazard

When buying a house it is always advisable to employ a licensed building inspector to provide information on the building condition. Knowing what to budget for in respect of any repairs required in the coming years makes a lot of sense! Finding Asbestos in a home can...

Fighting to stay healthy

Shock medical diagnosis Hearing a shocking medical diagnosis is always going to be stressful. I know how I felt when we were told that my husband had only two months to live. Our world collapsed.  Shock made it difficult to breathe. What were we to do? How would we...

Don’t make selling harder by over-pricing

Buying and selling real estate is not an exact science. Real Estate salespeople are required to comply with the current legislation, and in New Zealand, for instance they need to abide by their professional client and conduct rules. Rule 10 is very important as...

Who’s your perfect match then?

Have you ever wondered who the right partner is for you? If you are single and unattached how interesting would it be if you could find the perfect match for you? Many people who have been in a relationship for a while are often shocked at how many connecting things...

When the real estate market changes

For many years, it is fair to say that Real Estate agents have been operating in a "sellers market". Post "Covid-19", what will the Real Estate market look like? There are many thoughts on this. Obviously it will be changed. There could be job losses, and more...

Make your home a “healthy home”?

Staying healthy requires not only eating the correct food and exercising the right amount, but also by making sure that we live in a healthy home environment. Everybody wants to live in a healthy home, but sometimes sadly, it is not possible for many people. However,...

House too small now?

When is the right time to upsize? Wondering if you need to upsize as your toddlers suddenly become"tweens"? Or perhaps it is when they start to bring their friends home as teenagers? It is good knowing where they are and if they feel that they can entertain friends at...

When is the right time to sell?

For many years, it is fair to say that Real Estate agents have been operating in a “sellers market”. Post “Covid-19”, what will the Real Estate market look like? There have been many thoughts on this. One thing is for sure though- it will be a different world once we...

The things kids say!

1940's -As an "Evacuee" duirng the 2nd World War I had learned two new words that day. I was an inquisitive six year old evacuee in Wales, and in the care of my foster Aunt Florrie. “What does ‘severe’ mean Aunty?” I queried. “It means ‘harsh’ or ‘really bad’ she...

Elephants of Etosha

An occasional grunt or yap of a foraging jackal punctured the surrounding silence. It was early evening and the air was oppressive as we sat mesmerised, taut with the expectation of what we would see of this promised show.  Two floodlights directed from our camp lit...

Unusual visitors

The red salt- packed road ran in a straight line up the Skeleton Coast of Namibia. We had left behind the seal colony at Cape Cross a hundred miles back, where the stench of ammonia was so strong, that it brought tears to our eyes, and cleared the sinuses instantly....

When will Covid end?

Worrying about things outside of our control is not helpful It is only with acceptance that there can be an absence of worry. This applies to most things in life. A virus has turned the world upside down. We cannot escape the media and understandably are feeling a...

Turn bad news into good news

When it seems like the bad news keeps on coming Yesterday I had a much dreaded follow up appointment with the specialist. I was feeling slightly nervous, mainly because of recent experiences, and was certainly not jumping for joy, while I remembered the pain of my...

The Bad Landlord

What price should we put on good health? Am I right in thinking that if you are renting a property, and paying good money each week for the privilege one would expect to live in a healthy home? Landlords have been put on notice after the landlords of a damp, mould...

Crazy world house prices

Buying a home is not for the faint hearted in today's market During the Covid-19 pandemic there has been much said about the shocking increase in property prices around the world. Take Brisbane, Australia for instance- the median house price in September 21 has hit a...

Music soothes the soul

The importance of music Maddie ( aged 11) wrote.... "Music can make a huge difference in peoples lives. I find that music calms me down when I'm mad or when I'm sad. We all need music in our lives as it is important that we think about ourselves every once in awhile....

Tips for a healthier home

Keeping your home healthy is an ongoing process Sometimes we ignore the smaller issues that then become the bigger issues that cause us pain when we get sick or have to pay for extensive remedial work to alleviate further issues. Climate Change is a very real problem...

Healing with food

Living with an Auto immune disease is challenging I know this first hand, as even now, some days I feel like I have been run over and can barely lift my head off the pillow, then other days I am bouncing off the wall. I also suffer at times from waves of anxiety and...

Mindfulness – when the going gets tough

When times are tough When things get tough we often feel anxious and perhaps we might even have issues with sleeping at night. Every time we get stressed, a little part of our brain called the amygdala takes control. The amygdalae defines and regulates our emotions....

The lonely bee hotel

Help our environment with a Bee Hotel During lockdown, Maddie (11) told me that she thought that a good project would be to make a Bee Hotel for the garden. At the time, she was busy re-cycling old glass coffee jars into food storage containers, and we were discussing...

Fighting inflammation with Turmeric

Most people love a curry, but did you know that turmeric is one of the herbs that is known for it's beneficial cancer reducing properties, as well as also having many other health benefits. Turmeric contains curcumin, which is a substance with powerful...

Why children love and need pets

Maddie (11 years) and Lexie (8 years) are cousins in different countries, but since the rolling lockdowns,they talk daily over the internet. They can spend hours showing each other what they are doing every day, whether it is singing, dancing or aerobics, or playing...

Waste not…want not!

When we throw away our unused old clothing, we are creating greenhouse gases which in turn contributes to climate change. Clothing that ends up in landfills around the world is increasing at alarming levels. It is a very important factor in the lives of our children...

Lock down fatigue

Renovating a home is not for the faint hearted Take it from one who knows! But since the beginning of the Covid outbreak and the many" lock down's" around the world, it just became harder. You would think that one would have plenty of time in lock down to do all of...

Mask up and make a difference

Wear a mask .... save a life If somebody who was unknowingly infected with Covid-19 or the recent highly infectious Delta variant, and they sneezed within close proximity to you, the chances are you might get the virus, even if you are vaccinated. What are the chances...

The dark side of chocolate

I was talking to eleven year old Maddie who was eating chocolate over FaceTime the other day. Many countries are still in lockdown due to the Delta variant causing so much havoc. She sent me her research this morning for a blog she wanted to write, as obviously she...

Is stress making you gain weight?

Have you ever wondered why stress causes you to eat more? Stress can cause many unwanted things and we might not notice them all at first. Stress and your emotional, mental  and physical health If you are feeling irritated, or overwhelmed, and have a headache, with a...

Can you cure Hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism doesn’t have to be permanent Sometimes finding out that you have an auto immune disease can not only be scary, but a relief to eventually find out why you feel so tired, and why you are putting on weight when you are actually eating less. Auto immune...

So what’s your horoscope say today?

Do you check out your daily horoscope? I wonder if there are others like me who will check out their horoscope every now and then, and if they don't like what they read, will find one that they like better? Are you also amazed that when you are reading all about your...

Get on your bike!

Riding a bike through retirement Who would have thought I would ever ride a bike again at my age? Not me that's for sure! My first bicycle was a second-hand Raleigh. Life in then "war torn" Rhodesia, with Sanctions, meant that we could not buy new things, so when I...

Can Pets improve our mental health?

A loyal friend Basil Brush was my beloved friend. He was a hairy, stocky, short little dog with bucked teeth, an underbite, and a tummy that scraped the steps if he could manage them. He had a deep bark for such a little dog and a very weak bladder, which...

The less you own, the less owns you

Do you ever feel like you are running from one task to another? Are you multi-tasking to get things done and constantly in catch-up mode, mobile phone in hand, and answering email after email, and then suddenly it is time to feed the family and catch up on laundry?...

Try something different

Simplicity is the highest form of complexity When we first went into lockdown, we decided to try ordering ready-made fresh food online. Our Millenial children had already tried My Food Bag and still love it, so we decided to give it a go too! Our findings From the...

Is Red wine good for you?

To have or to have not After a tough day, I often look forward to a relaxing glass of Pinot Noir. Recently though, after a health scare, my partner gave up alcohol almost entirely, apart from the odd glass of wine. So it made me think whether I was now tasked with the...

Is Goat’s cheese better for you than cow’s cheese?

Which is better? Goats cheese or cows cheese? I have always been wary of goats, mainly because I was attacked by one many years ago. The kind owner of the mean goat told me that "Pearl" was not attacking me but merely being friendly. I learnt how to jump a fence that...

Good, bad or ugly?

Have you ever wondered about which indoor plants are good and which are bad according to Feng Shui ? A friend of mine once remarked that her son’s new girlfriend had left an obnoxious plant by her front door called “mother- in-laws tongue” as a belated Christmas gift....

Stressed & Angry?

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90 % of how you cope with it. A sense of humour can be an amazing asset when it comes to dealing with stressful situations. It will improve your overall emotional and physical health and will help you to look at things in a...

Is coffee good for us?

There is nothing like the smell of freshly brewed coffee is there? So often we are told that coffee is not good for us, but we continue to drink it and enjoy the different varieties that are offered today. The choice is mind boggling! In fact, it is estimated that...

Kill unkindness with kindness

It doesn't cost anything to be kind By being "the rainbow" in somebody's stormy day is such a lovely way to think about being kind to others. Even a simple smile can go a long way. How often does a good mood do a U turn when your happy greeting is barely acknowledged...

Zoomers and creative writing

Children and creative writing Maddie (aged 11) loves creative writing and has sent me her reasoning as to why it is so good for children. Maddie is from a generation now referred to as "a Zoomer" - Generation Z I love that she is busy in the school holidays being so...

Feeling like a sad bear?

Seasonal affective disorder Sometimes when the days seem dull and the sun forgets to shine for days on end, we can suffer from something called SAD (Seasonal affective disorder). This depressive disorder is linked to the seasons of the year and is more common in...

Greens are good says Maddie

Spinach and Kale are 2 vegetables that are nutrient rich with loads of antioxidants, vitamins, calcium, iron and more. Maddie ( my eleven year old granddaughter) is on school holidays at the moment and has sent me a recipe that she has found for a healthy lifestyle....

Oranges to stay healthy

School holidays have arrived again and there are kids still in lock down in some countries. Maddie, my 11 year old granddaughter has sent me a good healthy recipe for a tasty orange drink. Maddie's healthy Vitamin C drink Recipe Get 6 -8 oranges ( or however many you...

Auto immune diseases

Finding out that you have an auto immune disease can be a quite scary, but by the time I found out, I was actually relieved to at last find out why I was feeling so ill most of the time. Auto immune diseases occur when the immune system, which is the body's defence...

Baby Baby good for you?

Here is a great little tip from Sandy, in Christchurch, NZ, who was advised by her surgeon to use baby shampoo as a make up remover on her eyelids after having surgery. Unlike many expensive products these days that are sold to remove makeup, like Clinque or Lancome,...

Maddie’s raw egg shake

Eleven year old Maddie sent me this quick and easy recipe. She called it a "high in protein" tasty drink. It is refreshing to see somebody so young taking an interest in healing foods. Maddie's simple recipe Use a Blender or Quick shaker Take a cup of milk One banana...

Home and income… really ?

Home and Income Many people these days are looking for ways to reduce their mortgage. What better way than to have a property that can be split into two seperate dwellings. Of course, they have to comply with the building regulations and various council rules and...

Befriend the little birds

A simple life hack from Pat... Here is a life hack or handy tip from my childhood friend, Pat Barber who lives in Maryland, USA. How to keep ants from invading Hummingbird feeders. Hang the feeder on a pole and apply a 3/4 inch collar of Vaseline near the bottom of...


A drawing by Maddie ( age 11)

Spirulina for smoothies

When my husband was undergoing chemotherapy, one of the super foods that he was recommended to use daily was Spirulina. During his cancer journey, our favourite shops soon became the pharmacies and the many health food shops, while we searched for ways of limiting the...

Cancer and Bicarb of soda

When my husband was diagnosed with cancer we were told that bicarbonate of soda was something we should investigate and get into the habit of using daily. We wanted to try every possible avenue in order to keep him healthy while he underwent the invasive chemotherapy...

Do you miss the world?

Covid-19 has made it a long 16 months so far. Just when it seems things are getting better, there is another outbreak. Like many people, I have decided to wait and get vaccinated before travelling overseas, even though I miss my family so much. Having an auto immune...


When my husband was battling cancer, lemons were one fruit that really helped. We used lemon zest in our salads, lemon juice in his smoothies and teas. Lemons are known to have an alkalising effect in the body. While they are acidic, to begin with, they also are...

Buyer’s remorse

So often when we purchase something we have a feeling of remorse soon after. This is no different when you purchase a house, in fact, the remorse and be much worse. Experienced real estate negotiators are keen to get the deal done that day for this reason. They will...

Smart gadgets

Renovating a home is not for the faint hearted Take it from one who knows! Smart wiring, or smart homes are often talked about and the digital natives amongst us know all the tricks. Just listening to some of the things required in our new smart home made my head...

Messy house or hoarder?

Sometimes it is hard to differentiate between hoarding and extreme clutter. Many times in my real estate career, I have come across people who do not see the clutter when they come to sell their homes. It is rude to point it out to them, and sometimes difficult to be...

Houses built from hemp

Some interesting ways of building homes over the years have included products such as Hemp. It has apparently been used globally as a natural building product for thousands of years. Recently a Western Australian couple hand built their three-bedroom home on a...

10 Simple Life Hacks to Stay Healthy and Active

Introduction to Healthy LivingIn today's fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can often feel overwhelming. However, implementing a few simple life hacks can significantly improve your well-being and help you stay active. This blog post explores effective...

10 warning signs to look out for when buying a house

Renovating is not always easy. Even the the tasks that look like they could be simple can turn out to me a mission to finish! Have you ever found a few cracked tiles in the kitchen and thought about replacing them? It is okay if you have spare matching tiles, but what...

A wise old donkey

One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway, it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey. He...

Are you a hoarder?

Are you a hoarder? They say you should always "declutter" when selling your home? When I was selling my own home after the death of my husband, I wondered if I was a hoarder! They say that hoarding is often a coping mechanism. Apparently if we are bereaved , or...

Mangoes are the fruit of eternal love

Mangoes are the fruit of eternal love

Who doesn’t love a mango?

I remember as a child eating mangoes in Africa – we would clean the stone and draw faces on it making it look like a hairy face!

Later in Australia, we loved eating them and would include them in salads and puddings.

The Mango is the succulent fruit from an evergreen tree which is a member of the cashew family of flowering plants.

It originated over 5000 years ago in the Hindi- Burma region ( Eastern India, Southern China across South East Asia). It was believed that the seeds travelled from Asia to the Middle East, East Africa and to South America.

The Portuguese were believed to have established a mango trade and other explorers like the Spanish took them to tropical and subtropical places. They thrive in places like Mexico, Peru, Australia and Africa.

They can grow quite tall and will bear fruit after 4-6 years of planting. Read more here

Anyone who has ever eaten a mango will remember how messy they are when eating. You can  also eat the skin as it is considered to have important nutrients and compounds, but be aware of pesticide residue, so always clean really well first.

Read more here on how to eat a mango.

A handy hack to cut a mango to minimise mess, consists of using a glass tumbler – take a look here

On a recent trip to Japan, we could not believe the quality of the fruit in the stores.

Fruit is considered a treat and was often quite expensive.

For instance an apple known as Sekai Ichi ( which translates from Japanese to mean the best in the world) averages in size up to 46cm in diameter and is quite costly and displayed very carefully to showcase it’s special value.

It is a cross between a golden delicious and red delicious apple and costs about $20 for one!

Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned here- fruit is a treat, and could be treated as such instead of eating lollies and confectionary.

We might all be much healthier for it.

If you make each minute of your life fruitful, you will have nothing but a fruitful life.

©2023 | Author| Kathryn

“Health-full” honey bees

Is honey good for us? Raw honey has been enjoyed thoughout history and has always been known for its health benefits and medical uses. It has a source of antioxidants with compounds known as polyphenols which may play a role in preventing heart disease. Phytonutrients...

7 Cancer Myths

Cancer and common myths Cancer is something we are programmed to fear. Cancer statistics in the United States alone make quite alarming reading Yet the World Health Organisation reported that in 2019 the top 10 causes of death accounted for 55% of the 55.4 million...

A dog in sheep’s clothing

Thinking of selling? Don't be a dog in sheep's clothing. Do it the right way. You would not be the first sellers who have questioned what their own obligations are as to what they should disclose to potential buyers. There are some out there who will blatantly hide a...

Air fryer health benefits

When we we were renovating, I purchased my first air fryer. We had limited space so it was ideal until my brand new kitchen was installed. I have since bought my 2nd air fryer (  the same brand -deLonghi "ideal fry"), so we can take one away with us in the motorhome,...

Apple Cider Vinegar’s Mum

When fighting illness, it is common to search for products that promote healing. One thing I searched for was a way of maintaining an alkaline body. We were told that cancer does not like an alkaline environment. Cancer cells apparently thrive in acidity (low pH), but...

Are we teens addicted to gaming?

Are you spending too much time gaming or on your mobile phone? A huge percentage of children play video games and studies show an unhealthy percentage can get addicted to them. Did you also know that the World Health Organisation have recognised gaming addiction as a...

Can you hear me?

Everyone has bad days. Some days are just worse than others! When we communicate with others it is important to feel that you are heard. How often do you feel that people talk over you? It happens in shops, especially as you get older, or with people who are too busy...

Understanding Dementia

Wendy was only 58 when she was diagnosed with dementia. This brave lady has written a book about her disease. I was listening to Radio NZ this morning and heard an interview with Wendy who spoke of her life now. She seemed to normalise the disease. A disease that has...

Bad sugar

There has been plenty of research done that tells us that a diet high in sugar is bad for our health. High cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, inflammation are just a few health risks associated with consuming too much sugar. Not...

More rainbows please

Symbols of hope They say a rainbow is a symbol of hope. Rainbows are supposed to be a positive sign. They can bring a smile to the saddest person and lighten most people's moods. After my husband died I used to look out for them as I wondered about the belief in...

Create a “laugh alot” garden for kids

Remember those days of 'Lock down' which must have been incredibly hard on many people, but especially so if you were cooped up indoors with no space to play. Easy projects to keep the kids busy don’t always come to mind, but there are some that are clear winners....

Virus or bacterial infection?

With the spread of Omnicron, one of the variants of Covid-19, it is hard not to put every sniffle or tummy ache down to having the virus. This is essentially because, even though most of us who have been able to be vaccinated, have done so, most countries are having...

Mangoes are the fruit of eternal love

Who doesn't love a mango? I remember as a child eating mangoes in Africa - we would clean the stone and draw faces on it making it look like a hairy face! Later in Australia, we loved eating them and would include them in salads and puddings. The Mango is the...

Is Hashimotos Thyroiditis incurable?

 So you have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis? I was also diagnosed after many years of feeling unwell. At first, in Australia, I was tested for Ross River disease, and then the doctor sent me off to a Heart Surgeon who organised an angiogram for my heart, after I failed some...

Bounce back from illness

Ask anybody who has been ill and I am sure that they will agree, it can sometimes be hard to bounce back from illness, without following some simple rules. Stay hydrated Eat well Rest often Keep pain under control Keep moving Have a positive attitude Be kind to...

Herbs and health benefits

Herbs provide a lot of goodness to our diets  and this is often ignored by many of us in this busy world of ours. If we can improve our lifestyle by growing a little herb garden, then isn't it something worth considering ? You don't need a lot of space to create your...

Be positive and hold on tight!

Trying to stay positive is not always easy. Most of us know at least one person who seems to always see the bright side of life. And it is also true to say that we all know someone who leaves us feeling drained or sad. After undergoing some worrying health issues, I...

Eating right as a teenager

When you are a teenager it is very important to eat a healthy diet. This will help you with skin infections like acne and help you develop strong healthy bones. Of course you can have a little treat every now and then, but too much could cause serious problems for you...

Teenagers who are stressed and anxious

When you are a teenager, there are many things that can cause stress. Most teens don't really like to talk about it so will mostly struggle with their anxiety on their own. Teenagers are known for getting far less sleep than the recommended amount of sleep we require...

Avoiding acne as a teen

Ask any teenager- acne is no fun! If you understand what causes acne then you can try and manage it with ease. When your skin follicles become blocked with oil or dead skin cells, then acne appears. It can be common for teens, but older people in their fifties can...

Business Lingo- Cars NOT Cows!

The Big Move- 1995 Emigrating to a land at the bottom of the world was exciting if not different. There were many things other than acclimatising to the cold to get used to, but also trying to understand the quick speech and odd sayings of my new country was a...

Asbestos hazard

When buying a house it is always advisable to employ a licensed building inspector to provide information on the building condition. Knowing what to budget for in respect of any repairs required in the coming years makes a lot of sense! Finding Asbestos in a home can...

Fighting to stay healthy

Shock medical diagnosis Hearing a shocking medical diagnosis is always going to be stressful. I know how I felt when we were told that my husband had only two months to live. Our world collapsed.  Shock made it difficult to breathe. What were we to do? How would we...

Don’t make selling harder by over-pricing

Buying and selling real estate is not an exact science. Real Estate salespeople are required to comply with the current legislation, and in New Zealand, for instance they need to abide by their professional client and conduct rules. Rule 10 is very important as...

Who’s your perfect match then?

Have you ever wondered who the right partner is for you? If you are single and unattached how interesting would it be if you could find the perfect match for you? Many people who have been in a relationship for a while are often shocked at how many connecting things...

When the real estate market changes

For many years, it is fair to say that Real Estate agents have been operating in a "sellers market". Post "Covid-19", what will the Real Estate market look like? There are many thoughts on this. Obviously it will be changed. There could be job losses, and more...

Make your home a “healthy home”?

Staying healthy requires not only eating the correct food and exercising the right amount, but also by making sure that we live in a healthy home environment. Everybody wants to live in a healthy home, but sometimes sadly, it is not possible for many people. However,...

House too small now?

When is the right time to upsize? Wondering if you need to upsize as your toddlers suddenly become"tweens"? Or perhaps it is when they start to bring their friends home as teenagers? It is good knowing where they are and if they feel that they can entertain friends at...

When is the right time to sell?

For many years, it is fair to say that Real Estate agents have been operating in a “sellers market”. Post “Covid-19”, what will the Real Estate market look like? There have been many thoughts on this. One thing is for sure though- it will be a different world once we...

The things kids say!

1940's -As an "Evacuee" duirng the 2nd World War I had learned two new words that day. I was an inquisitive six year old evacuee in Wales, and in the care of my foster Aunt Florrie. “What does ‘severe’ mean Aunty?” I queried. “It means ‘harsh’ or ‘really bad’ she...

Elephants of Etosha

An occasional grunt or yap of a foraging jackal punctured the surrounding silence. It was early evening and the air was oppressive as we sat mesmerised, taut with the expectation of what we would see of this promised show.  Two floodlights directed from our camp lit...

Unusual visitors

The red salt- packed road ran in a straight line up the Skeleton Coast of Namibia. We had left behind the seal colony at Cape Cross a hundred miles back, where the stench of ammonia was so strong, that it brought tears to our eyes, and cleared the sinuses instantly....

When will Covid end?

Worrying about things outside of our control is not helpful It is only with acceptance that there can be an absence of worry. This applies to most things in life. A virus has turned the world upside down. We cannot escape the media and understandably are feeling a...

Turn bad news into good news

When it seems like the bad news keeps on coming Yesterday I had a much dreaded follow up appointment with the specialist. I was feeling slightly nervous, mainly because of recent experiences, and was certainly not jumping for joy, while I remembered the pain of my...

The Bad Landlord

What price should we put on good health? Am I right in thinking that if you are renting a property, and paying good money each week for the privilege one would expect to live in a healthy home? Landlords have been put on notice after the landlords of a damp, mould...

Crazy world house prices

Buying a home is not for the faint hearted in today's market During the Covid-19 pandemic there has been much said about the shocking increase in property prices around the world. Take Brisbane, Australia for instance- the median house price in September 21 has hit a...

Music soothes the soul

The importance of music Maddie ( aged 11) wrote.... "Music can make a huge difference in peoples lives. I find that music calms me down when I'm mad or when I'm sad. We all need music in our lives as it is important that we think about ourselves every once in awhile....

Tips for a healthier home

Keeping your home healthy is an ongoing process Sometimes we ignore the smaller issues that then become the bigger issues that cause us pain when we get sick or have to pay for extensive remedial work to alleviate further issues. Climate Change is a very real problem...

Healing with food

Living with an Auto immune disease is challenging I know this first hand, as even now, some days I feel like I have been run over and can barely lift my head off the pillow, then other days I am bouncing off the wall. I also suffer at times from waves of anxiety and...

Mindfulness – when the going gets tough

When times are tough When things get tough we often feel anxious and perhaps we might even have issues with sleeping at night. Every time we get stressed, a little part of our brain called the amygdala takes control. The amygdalae defines and regulates our emotions....

The lonely bee hotel

Help our environment with a Bee Hotel During lockdown, Maddie (11) told me that she thought that a good project would be to make a Bee Hotel for the garden. At the time, she was busy re-cycling old glass coffee jars into food storage containers, and we were discussing...

Fighting inflammation with Turmeric

Most people love a curry, but did you know that turmeric is one of the herbs that is known for it's beneficial cancer reducing properties, as well as also having many other health benefits. Turmeric contains curcumin, which is a substance with powerful...

Why children love and need pets

Maddie (11 years) and Lexie (8 years) are cousins in different countries, but since the rolling lockdowns,they talk daily over the internet. They can spend hours showing each other what they are doing every day, whether it is singing, dancing or aerobics, or playing...

Waste not…want not!

When we throw away our unused old clothing, we are creating greenhouse gases which in turn contributes to climate change. Clothing that ends up in landfills around the world is increasing at alarming levels. It is a very important factor in the lives of our children...

Lock down fatigue

Renovating a home is not for the faint hearted Take it from one who knows! But since the beginning of the Covid outbreak and the many" lock down's" around the world, it just became harder. You would think that one would have plenty of time in lock down to do all of...

Mask up and make a difference

Wear a mask .... save a life If somebody who was unknowingly infected with Covid-19 or the recent highly infectious Delta variant, and they sneezed within close proximity to you, the chances are you might get the virus, even if you are vaccinated. What are the chances...

The dark side of chocolate

I was talking to eleven year old Maddie who was eating chocolate over FaceTime the other day. Many countries are still in lockdown due to the Delta variant causing so much havoc. She sent me her research this morning for a blog she wanted to write, as obviously she...

Is stress making you gain weight?

Have you ever wondered why stress causes you to eat more? Stress can cause many unwanted things and we might not notice them all at first. Stress and your emotional, mental  and physical health If you are feeling irritated, or overwhelmed, and have a headache, with a...

Can you cure Hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism doesn’t have to be permanent Sometimes finding out that you have an auto immune disease can not only be scary, but a relief to eventually find out why you feel so tired, and why you are putting on weight when you are actually eating less. Auto immune...

So what’s your horoscope say today?

Do you check out your daily horoscope? I wonder if there are others like me who will check out their horoscope every now and then, and if they don't like what they read, will find one that they like better? Are you also amazed that when you are reading all about your...

Get on your bike!

Riding a bike through retirement Who would have thought I would ever ride a bike again at my age? Not me that's for sure! My first bicycle was a second-hand Raleigh. Life in then "war torn" Rhodesia, with Sanctions, meant that we could not buy new things, so when I...

Can Pets improve our mental health?

A loyal friend Basil Brush was my beloved friend. He was a hairy, stocky, short little dog with bucked teeth, an underbite, and a tummy that scraped the steps if he could manage them. He had a deep bark for such a little dog and a very weak bladder, which...

The less you own, the less owns you

Do you ever feel like you are running from one task to another? Are you multi-tasking to get things done and constantly in catch-up mode, mobile phone in hand, and answering email after email, and then suddenly it is time to feed the family and catch up on laundry?...

Try something different

Simplicity is the highest form of complexity When we first went into lockdown, we decided to try ordering ready-made fresh food online. Our Millenial children had already tried My Food Bag and still love it, so we decided to give it a go too! Our findings From the...

Is Red wine good for you?

To have or to have not After a tough day, I often look forward to a relaxing glass of Pinot Noir. Recently though, after a health scare, my partner gave up alcohol almost entirely, apart from the odd glass of wine. So it made me think whether I was now tasked with the...

Is Goat’s cheese better for you than cow’s cheese?

Which is better? Goats cheese or cows cheese? I have always been wary of goats, mainly because I was attacked by one many years ago. The kind owner of the mean goat told me that "Pearl" was not attacking me but merely being friendly. I learnt how to jump a fence that...

Good, bad or ugly?

Have you ever wondered about which indoor plants are good and which are bad according to Feng Shui ? A friend of mine once remarked that her son’s new girlfriend had left an obnoxious plant by her front door called “mother- in-laws tongue” as a belated Christmas gift....

Stressed & Angry?

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90 % of how you cope with it. A sense of humour can be an amazing asset when it comes to dealing with stressful situations. It will improve your overall emotional and physical health and will help you to look at things in a...

Is coffee good for us?

There is nothing like the smell of freshly brewed coffee is there? So often we are told that coffee is not good for us, but we continue to drink it and enjoy the different varieties that are offered today. The choice is mind boggling! In fact, it is estimated that...

Kill unkindness with kindness

It doesn't cost anything to be kind By being "the rainbow" in somebody's stormy day is such a lovely way to think about being kind to others. Even a simple smile can go a long way. How often does a good mood do a U turn when your happy greeting is barely acknowledged...

Zoomers and creative writing

Children and creative writing Maddie (aged 11) loves creative writing and has sent me her reasoning as to why it is so good for children. Maddie is from a generation now referred to as "a Zoomer" - Generation Z I love that she is busy in the school holidays being so...

Feeling like a sad bear?

Seasonal affective disorder Sometimes when the days seem dull and the sun forgets to shine for days on end, we can suffer from something called SAD (Seasonal affective disorder). This depressive disorder is linked to the seasons of the year and is more common in...

Greens are good says Maddie

Spinach and Kale are 2 vegetables that are nutrient rich with loads of antioxidants, vitamins, calcium, iron and more. Maddie ( my eleven year old granddaughter) is on school holidays at the moment and has sent me a recipe that she has found for a healthy lifestyle....

Oranges to stay healthy

School holidays have arrived again and there are kids still in lock down in some countries. Maddie, my 11 year old granddaughter has sent me a good healthy recipe for a tasty orange drink. Maddie's healthy Vitamin C drink Recipe Get 6 -8 oranges ( or however many you...

Auto immune diseases

Finding out that you have an auto immune disease can be a quite scary, but by the time I found out, I was actually relieved to at last find out why I was feeling so ill most of the time. Auto immune diseases occur when the immune system, which is the body's defence...

Baby Baby good for you?

Here is a great little tip from Sandy, in Christchurch, NZ, who was advised by her surgeon to use baby shampoo as a make up remover on her eyelids after having surgery. Unlike many expensive products these days that are sold to remove makeup, like Clinque or Lancome,...

Maddie’s raw egg shake

Eleven year old Maddie sent me this quick and easy recipe. She called it a "high in protein" tasty drink. It is refreshing to see somebody so young taking an interest in healing foods. Maddie's simple recipe Use a Blender or Quick shaker Take a cup of milk One banana...

Home and income… really ?

Home and Income Many people these days are looking for ways to reduce their mortgage. What better way than to have a property that can be split into two seperate dwellings. Of course, they have to comply with the building regulations and various council rules and...

Befriend the little birds

A simple life hack from Pat... Here is a life hack or handy tip from my childhood friend, Pat Barber who lives in Maryland, USA. How to keep ants from invading Hummingbird feeders. Hang the feeder on a pole and apply a 3/4 inch collar of Vaseline near the bottom of...


A drawing by Maddie ( age 11)

Spirulina for smoothies

When my husband was undergoing chemotherapy, one of the super foods that he was recommended to use daily was Spirulina. During his cancer journey, our favourite shops soon became the pharmacies and the many health food shops, while we searched for ways of limiting the...

Cancer and Bicarb of soda

When my husband was diagnosed with cancer we were told that bicarbonate of soda was something we should investigate and get into the habit of using daily. We wanted to try every possible avenue in order to keep him healthy while he underwent the invasive chemotherapy...

Do you miss the world?

Covid-19 has made it a long 16 months so far. Just when it seems things are getting better, there is another outbreak. Like many people, I have decided to wait and get vaccinated before travelling overseas, even though I miss my family so much. Having an auto immune...


When my husband was battling cancer, lemons were one fruit that really helped. We used lemon zest in our salads, lemon juice in his smoothies and teas. Lemons are known to have an alkalising effect in the body. While they are acidic, to begin with, they also are...

Buyer’s remorse

So often when we purchase something we have a feeling of remorse soon after. This is no different when you purchase a house, in fact, the remorse and be much worse. Experienced real estate negotiators are keen to get the deal done that day for this reason. They will...

Smart gadgets

Renovating a home is not for the faint hearted Take it from one who knows! Smart wiring, or smart homes are often talked about and the digital natives amongst us know all the tricks. Just listening to some of the things required in our new smart home made my head...

Messy house or hoarder?

Sometimes it is hard to differentiate between hoarding and extreme clutter. Many times in my real estate career, I have come across people who do not see the clutter when they come to sell their homes. It is rude to point it out to them, and sometimes difficult to be...

Houses built from hemp

Some interesting ways of building homes over the years have included products such as Hemp. It has apparently been used globally as a natural building product for thousands of years. Recently a Western Australian couple hand built their three-bedroom home on a...

10 Simple Life Hacks to Stay Healthy and Active

Introduction to Healthy LivingIn today's fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can often feel overwhelming. However, implementing a few simple life hacks can significantly improve your well-being and help you stay active. This blog post explores effective...

10 warning signs to look out for when buying a house

Renovating is not always easy. Even the the tasks that look like they could be simple can turn out to me a mission to finish! Have you ever found a few cracked tiles in the kitchen and thought about replacing them? It is okay if you have spare matching tiles, but what...

A wise old donkey

One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway, it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey. He...

Are you a hoarder?

Are you a hoarder? They say you should always "declutter" when selling your home? When I was selling my own home after the death of my husband, I wondered if I was a hoarder! They say that hoarding is often a coping mechanism. Apparently if we are bereaved , or...

Bounce back from illness

Bounce back from illness

Ask anybody who has been ill and I am sure that they will agree, it can sometimes be hard to bounce back from illness, without following some simple rules.

  • Stay hydrated
  • Eat well
  • Rest often
  • Keep pain under control
  • Keep moving
  • Have a positive attitude
  • Be kind to yourself and accept the help of family and friends.

Staying hydrated is critical for fighting off illness. Fluids are essential for flushing out toxins and can help thin out mucus which makes it easier for the body to get rid of it.

Eating a balanced diet of at least five servings of fruits and vegetables to include the healing nutrients and vitamins that we require to fight illness and promote recovery.

Vitamin C helps heal wounds, strengthen blood vessels, and ward off infection.

Lycopene’s are powerful antioxidants that can boost immune function. They are found in tomatoes, apricots, guavas, watermelon, papayas, and pink grapefruit.

Foods rich in vitamins and nutrients such as zinc, selenium, vitamin D, vitamin C, echinacea, ginger, turmeric, garlic, and probiotics, aid recovery.

As a general rule, darker coloured fruits and vegetables are richer than lighter coloured ones when it comes to phytochemicals and antioxidants.

Carbohydrates provide ready energy, and they are crucial to a healing diet.

All carbohydrates are broken down into sugar when digested, but complex carbohydrates such as nuts, seeds, legumes, and whole grains break down more slowly than simple carbohydrates such as sugar and white bread.

The slower a carbohydrate breaks down, the less likely it is to cause a blood sugar spike.

Since these spikes can spark inflammation and lead to damage on a cellular level, you should avoid them if possible, but especially when you’re healing.

A measure called the glycemic index indicates how fast the body converts a food into sugar. If you can, stick with complex carbohydrates and other foods that have a relatively low glycemic index (below 55).

Read more here

Cutting back on sugar makes sense as it can make inflammation worse.

Protein  is known as the building block of cell repair, and it also gives you energy as well.

Plant-based proteins such as beans and nuts have some advantages over animal proteins, especially if you don’t have much of an appetite.

In addition to having cell-repairing properties, plant-based proteins provide fibre and phytochemicals (which can help with healing)  Read more here

Keep moving

Exercise also improves the healing of muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments.

For example, it spurs the formation of collagen, which in turn helps injured tissues heal properly. It also appears to decrease the formation of fibrosis (excessive scar tissue).

Exercise helps us heal better and faster, so begin slowly and build up as you feel more confident. A gentle walk is a great way to start.

Lastly, practice a little self love and have good thoughts and a positive attitude, and accept any help from family and friends with grace.

Have an achievable goal and try to move forward each day, no matter how small the step.

©2022 | Author| Kathryn

“Health-full” honey bees

Is honey good for us? Raw honey has been enjoyed thoughout history and has always been known for its health benefits and medical uses. It has a source of antioxidants with compounds known as polyphenols which may play a role in preventing heart disease. Phytonutrients...

7 Cancer Myths

Cancer and common myths Cancer is something we are programmed to fear. Cancer statistics in the United States alone make quite alarming reading Yet the World Health Organisation reported that in 2019 the top 10 causes of death accounted for 55% of the 55.4 million...

A dog in sheep’s clothing

Thinking of selling? Don't be a dog in sheep's clothing. Do it the right way. You would not be the first sellers who have questioned what their own obligations are as to what they should disclose to potential buyers. There are some out there who will blatantly hide a...

Air fryer health benefits

When we we were renovating, I purchased my first air fryer. We had limited space so it was ideal until my brand new kitchen was installed. I have since bought my 2nd air fryer (  the same brand -deLonghi "ideal fry"), so we can take one away with us in the motorhome,...

Apple Cider Vinegar’s Mum

When fighting illness, it is common to search for products that promote healing. One thing I searched for was a way of maintaining an alkaline body. We were told that cancer does not like an alkaline environment. Cancer cells apparently thrive in acidity (low pH), but...

Are we teens addicted to gaming?

Are you spending too much time gaming or on your mobile phone? A huge percentage of children play video games and studies show an unhealthy percentage can get addicted to them. Did you also know that the World Health Organisation have recognised gaming addiction as a...

Can you hear me?

Everyone has bad days. Some days are just worse than others! When we communicate with others it is important to feel that you are heard. How often do you feel that people talk over you? It happens in shops, especially as you get older, or with people who are too busy...

Understanding Dementia

Wendy was only 58 when she was diagnosed with dementia. This brave lady has written a book about her disease. I was listening to Radio NZ this morning and heard an interview with Wendy who spoke of her life now. She seemed to normalise the disease. A disease that has...

Bad sugar

There has been plenty of research done that tells us that a diet high in sugar is bad for our health. High cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, inflammation are just a few health risks associated with consuming too much sugar. Not...

More rainbows please

Symbols of hope They say a rainbow is a symbol of hope. Rainbows are supposed to be a positive sign. They can bring a smile to the saddest person and lighten most people's moods. After my husband died I used to look out for them as I wondered about the belief in...

Create a “laugh alot” garden for kids

Remember those days of 'Lock down' which must have been incredibly hard on many people, but especially so if you were cooped up indoors with no space to play. Easy projects to keep the kids busy don’t always come to mind, but there are some that are clear winners....

Virus or bacterial infection?

With the spread of Omnicron, one of the variants of Covid-19, it is hard not to put every sniffle or tummy ache down to having the virus. This is essentially because, even though most of us who have been able to be vaccinated, have done so, most countries are having...

Mangoes are the fruit of eternal love

Who doesn't love a mango? I remember as a child eating mangoes in Africa - we would clean the stone and draw faces on it making it look like a hairy face! Later in Australia, we loved eating them and would include them in salads and puddings. The Mango is the...

Is Hashimotos Thyroiditis incurable?

 So you have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis? I was also diagnosed after many years of feeling unwell. At first, in Australia, I was tested for Ross River disease, and then the doctor sent me off to a Heart Surgeon who organised an angiogram for my heart, after I failed some...

Bounce back from illness

Ask anybody who has been ill and I am sure that they will agree, it can sometimes be hard to bounce back from illness, without following some simple rules. Stay hydrated Eat well Rest often Keep pain under control Keep moving Have a positive attitude Be kind to...

Herbs and health benefits

Herbs provide a lot of goodness to our diets  and this is often ignored by many of us in this busy world of ours. If we can improve our lifestyle by growing a little herb garden, then isn't it something worth considering ? You don't need a lot of space to create your...

Be positive and hold on tight!

Trying to stay positive is not always easy. Most of us know at least one person who seems to always see the bright side of life. And it is also true to say that we all know someone who leaves us feeling drained or sad. After undergoing some worrying health issues, I...

Eating right as a teenager

When you are a teenager it is very important to eat a healthy diet. This will help you with skin infections like acne and help you develop strong healthy bones. Of course you can have a little treat every now and then, but too much could cause serious problems for you...

Teenagers who are stressed and anxious

When you are a teenager, there are many things that can cause stress. Most teens don't really like to talk about it so will mostly struggle with their anxiety on their own. Teenagers are known for getting far less sleep than the recommended amount of sleep we require...

Avoiding acne as a teen

Ask any teenager- acne is no fun! If you understand what causes acne then you can try and manage it with ease. When your skin follicles become blocked with oil or dead skin cells, then acne appears. It can be common for teens, but older people in their fifties can...

Business Lingo- Cars NOT Cows!

The Big Move- 1995 Emigrating to a land at the bottom of the world was exciting if not different. There were many things other than acclimatising to the cold to get used to, but also trying to understand the quick speech and odd sayings of my new country was a...

Asbestos hazard

When buying a house it is always advisable to employ a licensed building inspector to provide information on the building condition. Knowing what to budget for in respect of any repairs required in the coming years makes a lot of sense! Finding Asbestos in a home can...

Fighting to stay healthy

Shock medical diagnosis Hearing a shocking medical diagnosis is always going to be stressful. I know how I felt when we were told that my husband had only two months to live. Our world collapsed.  Shock made it difficult to breathe. What were we to do? How would we...

Don’t make selling harder by over-pricing

Buying and selling real estate is not an exact science. Real Estate salespeople are required to comply with the current legislation, and in New Zealand, for instance they need to abide by their professional client and conduct rules. Rule 10 is very important as...

Who’s your perfect match then?

Have you ever wondered who the right partner is for you? If you are single and unattached how interesting would it be if you could find the perfect match for you? Many people who have been in a relationship for a while are often shocked at how many connecting things...

When the real estate market changes

For many years, it is fair to say that Real Estate agents have been operating in a "sellers market". Post "Covid-19", what will the Real Estate market look like? There are many thoughts on this. Obviously it will be changed. There could be job losses, and more...

Make your home a “healthy home”?

Staying healthy requires not only eating the correct food and exercising the right amount, but also by making sure that we live in a healthy home environment. Everybody wants to live in a healthy home, but sometimes sadly, it is not possible for many people. However,...

House too small now?

When is the right time to upsize? Wondering if you need to upsize as your toddlers suddenly become"tweens"? Or perhaps it is when they start to bring their friends home as teenagers? It is good knowing where they are and if they feel that they can entertain friends at...

When is the right time to sell?

For many years, it is fair to say that Real Estate agents have been operating in a “sellers market”. Post “Covid-19”, what will the Real Estate market look like? There have been many thoughts on this. One thing is for sure though- it will be a different world once we...

The things kids say!

1940's -As an "Evacuee" duirng the 2nd World War I had learned two new words that day. I was an inquisitive six year old evacuee in Wales, and in the care of my foster Aunt Florrie. “What does ‘severe’ mean Aunty?” I queried. “It means ‘harsh’ or ‘really bad’ she...

Elephants of Etosha

An occasional grunt or yap of a foraging jackal punctured the surrounding silence. It was early evening and the air was oppressive as we sat mesmerised, taut with the expectation of what we would see of this promised show.  Two floodlights directed from our camp lit...

Unusual visitors

The red salt- packed road ran in a straight line up the Skeleton Coast of Namibia. We had left behind the seal colony at Cape Cross a hundred miles back, where the stench of ammonia was so strong, that it brought tears to our eyes, and cleared the sinuses instantly....

When will Covid end?

Worrying about things outside of our control is not helpful It is only with acceptance that there can be an absence of worry. This applies to most things in life. A virus has turned the world upside down. We cannot escape the media and understandably are feeling a...

Turn bad news into good news

When it seems like the bad news keeps on coming Yesterday I had a much dreaded follow up appointment with the specialist. I was feeling slightly nervous, mainly because of recent experiences, and was certainly not jumping for joy, while I remembered the pain of my...

The Bad Landlord

What price should we put on good health? Am I right in thinking that if you are renting a property, and paying good money each week for the privilege one would expect to live in a healthy home? Landlords have been put on notice after the landlords of a damp, mould...

Crazy world house prices

Buying a home is not for the faint hearted in today's market During the Covid-19 pandemic there has been much said about the shocking increase in property prices around the world. Take Brisbane, Australia for instance- the median house price in September 21 has hit a...

Music soothes the soul

The importance of music Maddie ( aged 11) wrote.... "Music can make a huge difference in peoples lives. I find that music calms me down when I'm mad or when I'm sad. We all need music in our lives as it is important that we think about ourselves every once in awhile....

Tips for a healthier home

Keeping your home healthy is an ongoing process Sometimes we ignore the smaller issues that then become the bigger issues that cause us pain when we get sick or have to pay for extensive remedial work to alleviate further issues. Climate Change is a very real problem...

Healing with food

Living with an Auto immune disease is challenging I know this first hand, as even now, some days I feel like I have been run over and can barely lift my head off the pillow, then other days I am bouncing off the wall. I also suffer at times from waves of anxiety and...

Mindfulness – when the going gets tough

When times are tough When things get tough we often feel anxious and perhaps we might even have issues with sleeping at night. Every time we get stressed, a little part of our brain called the amygdala takes control. The amygdalae defines and regulates our emotions....

The lonely bee hotel

Help our environment with a Bee Hotel During lockdown, Maddie (11) told me that she thought that a good project would be to make a Bee Hotel for the garden. At the time, she was busy re-cycling old glass coffee jars into food storage containers, and we were discussing...

Fighting inflammation with Turmeric

Most people love a curry, but did you know that turmeric is one of the herbs that is known for it's beneficial cancer reducing properties, as well as also having many other health benefits. Turmeric contains curcumin, which is a substance with powerful...

Why children love and need pets

Maddie (11 years) and Lexie (8 years) are cousins in different countries, but since the rolling lockdowns,they talk daily over the internet. They can spend hours showing each other what they are doing every day, whether it is singing, dancing or aerobics, or playing...

Waste not…want not!

When we throw away our unused old clothing, we are creating greenhouse gases which in turn contributes to climate change. Clothing that ends up in landfills around the world is increasing at alarming levels. It is a very important factor in the lives of our children...

Lock down fatigue

Renovating a home is not for the faint hearted Take it from one who knows! But since the beginning of the Covid outbreak and the many" lock down's" around the world, it just became harder. You would think that one would have plenty of time in lock down to do all of...

Mask up and make a difference

Wear a mask .... save a life If somebody who was unknowingly infected with Covid-19 or the recent highly infectious Delta variant, and they sneezed within close proximity to you, the chances are you might get the virus, even if you are vaccinated. What are the chances...

The dark side of chocolate

I was talking to eleven year old Maddie who was eating chocolate over FaceTime the other day. Many countries are still in lockdown due to the Delta variant causing so much havoc. She sent me her research this morning for a blog she wanted to write, as obviously she...

Is stress making you gain weight?

Have you ever wondered why stress causes you to eat more? Stress can cause many unwanted things and we might not notice them all at first. Stress and your emotional, mental  and physical health If you are feeling irritated, or overwhelmed, and have a headache, with a...

Can you cure Hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism doesn’t have to be permanent Sometimes finding out that you have an auto immune disease can not only be scary, but a relief to eventually find out why you feel so tired, and why you are putting on weight when you are actually eating less. Auto immune...

So what’s your horoscope say today?

Do you check out your daily horoscope? I wonder if there are others like me who will check out their horoscope every now and then, and if they don't like what they read, will find one that they like better? Are you also amazed that when you are reading all about your...

Get on your bike!

Riding a bike through retirement Who would have thought I would ever ride a bike again at my age? Not me that's for sure! My first bicycle was a second-hand Raleigh. Life in then "war torn" Rhodesia, with Sanctions, meant that we could not buy new things, so when I...

Can Pets improve our mental health?

A loyal friend Basil Brush was my beloved friend. He was a hairy, stocky, short little dog with bucked teeth, an underbite, and a tummy that scraped the steps if he could manage them. He had a deep bark for such a little dog and a very weak bladder, which...

The less you own, the less owns you

Do you ever feel like you are running from one task to another? Are you multi-tasking to get things done and constantly in catch-up mode, mobile phone in hand, and answering email after email, and then suddenly it is time to feed the family and catch up on laundry?...

Try something different

Simplicity is the highest form of complexity When we first went into lockdown, we decided to try ordering ready-made fresh food online. Our Millenial children had already tried My Food Bag and still love it, so we decided to give it a go too! Our findings From the...

Is Red wine good for you?

To have or to have not After a tough day, I often look forward to a relaxing glass of Pinot Noir. Recently though, after a health scare, my partner gave up alcohol almost entirely, apart from the odd glass of wine. So it made me think whether I was now tasked with the...

Is Goat’s cheese better for you than cow’s cheese?

Which is better? Goats cheese or cows cheese? I have always been wary of goats, mainly because I was attacked by one many years ago. The kind owner of the mean goat told me that "Pearl" was not attacking me but merely being friendly. I learnt how to jump a fence that...

Good, bad or ugly?

Have you ever wondered about which indoor plants are good and which are bad according to Feng Shui ? A friend of mine once remarked that her son’s new girlfriend had left an obnoxious plant by her front door called “mother- in-laws tongue” as a belated Christmas gift....

Stressed & Angry?

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90 % of how you cope with it. A sense of humour can be an amazing asset when it comes to dealing with stressful situations. It will improve your overall emotional and physical health and will help you to look at things in a...

Is coffee good for us?

There is nothing like the smell of freshly brewed coffee is there? So often we are told that coffee is not good for us, but we continue to drink it and enjoy the different varieties that are offered today. The choice is mind boggling! In fact, it is estimated that...

Kill unkindness with kindness

It doesn't cost anything to be kind By being "the rainbow" in somebody's stormy day is such a lovely way to think about being kind to others. Even a simple smile can go a long way. How often does a good mood do a U turn when your happy greeting is barely acknowledged...

Zoomers and creative writing

Children and creative writing Maddie (aged 11) loves creative writing and has sent me her reasoning as to why it is so good for children. Maddie is from a generation now referred to as "a Zoomer" - Generation Z I love that she is busy in the school holidays being so...

Feeling like a sad bear?

Seasonal affective disorder Sometimes when the days seem dull and the sun forgets to shine for days on end, we can suffer from something called SAD (Seasonal affective disorder). This depressive disorder is linked to the seasons of the year and is more common in...

Greens are good says Maddie

Spinach and Kale are 2 vegetables that are nutrient rich with loads of antioxidants, vitamins, calcium, iron and more. Maddie ( my eleven year old granddaughter) is on school holidays at the moment and has sent me a recipe that she has found for a healthy lifestyle....

Oranges to stay healthy

School holidays have arrived again and there are kids still in lock down in some countries. Maddie, my 11 year old granddaughter has sent me a good healthy recipe for a tasty orange drink. Maddie's healthy Vitamin C drink Recipe Get 6 -8 oranges ( or however many you...

Auto immune diseases

Finding out that you have an auto immune disease can be a quite scary, but by the time I found out, I was actually relieved to at last find out why I was feeling so ill most of the time. Auto immune diseases occur when the immune system, which is the body's defence...

Baby Baby good for you?

Here is a great little tip from Sandy, in Christchurch, NZ, who was advised by her surgeon to use baby shampoo as a make up remover on her eyelids after having surgery. Unlike many expensive products these days that are sold to remove makeup, like Clinque or Lancome,...

Maddie’s raw egg shake

Eleven year old Maddie sent me this quick and easy recipe. She called it a "high in protein" tasty drink. It is refreshing to see somebody so young taking an interest in healing foods. Maddie's simple recipe Use a Blender or Quick shaker Take a cup of milk One banana...

Home and income… really ?

Home and Income Many people these days are looking for ways to reduce their mortgage. What better way than to have a property that can be split into two seperate dwellings. Of course, they have to comply with the building regulations and various council rules and...

Befriend the little birds

A simple life hack from Pat... Here is a life hack or handy tip from my childhood friend, Pat Barber who lives in Maryland, USA. How to keep ants from invading Hummingbird feeders. Hang the feeder on a pole and apply a 3/4 inch collar of Vaseline near the bottom of...


A drawing by Maddie ( age 11)

Spirulina for smoothies

When my husband was undergoing chemotherapy, one of the super foods that he was recommended to use daily was Spirulina. During his cancer journey, our favourite shops soon became the pharmacies and the many health food shops, while we searched for ways of limiting the...

Cancer and Bicarb of soda

When my husband was diagnosed with cancer we were told that bicarbonate of soda was something we should investigate and get into the habit of using daily. We wanted to try every possible avenue in order to keep him healthy while he underwent the invasive chemotherapy...

Do you miss the world?

Covid-19 has made it a long 16 months so far. Just when it seems things are getting better, there is another outbreak. Like many people, I have decided to wait and get vaccinated before travelling overseas, even though I miss my family so much. Having an auto immune...


When my husband was battling cancer, lemons were one fruit that really helped. We used lemon zest in our salads, lemon juice in his smoothies and teas. Lemons are known to have an alkalising effect in the body. While they are acidic, to begin with, they also are...

Buyer’s remorse

So often when we purchase something we have a feeling of remorse soon after. This is no different when you purchase a house, in fact, the remorse and be much worse. Experienced real estate negotiators are keen to get the deal done that day for this reason. They will...

Smart gadgets

Renovating a home is not for the faint hearted Take it from one who knows! Smart wiring, or smart homes are often talked about and the digital natives amongst us know all the tricks. Just listening to some of the things required in our new smart home made my head...

Messy house or hoarder?

Sometimes it is hard to differentiate between hoarding and extreme clutter. Many times in my real estate career, I have come across people who do not see the clutter when they come to sell their homes. It is rude to point it out to them, and sometimes difficult to be...

Houses built from hemp

Some interesting ways of building homes over the years have included products such as Hemp. It has apparently been used globally as a natural building product for thousands of years. Recently a Western Australian couple hand built their three-bedroom home on a...

10 Simple Life Hacks to Stay Healthy and Active

Introduction to Healthy LivingIn today's fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can often feel overwhelming. However, implementing a few simple life hacks can significantly improve your well-being and help you stay active. This blog post explores effective...

10 warning signs to look out for when buying a house

Renovating is not always easy. Even the the tasks that look like they could be simple can turn out to me a mission to finish! Have you ever found a few cracked tiles in the kitchen and thought about replacing them? It is okay if you have spare matching tiles, but what...

A wise old donkey

One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway, it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey. He...

Are you a hoarder?

Are you a hoarder? They say you should always "declutter" when selling your home? When I was selling my own home after the death of my husband, I wondered if I was a hoarder! They say that hoarding is often a coping mechanism. Apparently if we are bereaved , or...

Love my Bulldog!

Love my Bulldog!

Maddie has sent me a blog about bulldogs-

Recently her family have welcomed two British Bulldogs into their family.

They were delightfully cute and cuddly, friendly little puppies who are now growing into bigger friendlier dogs.

Here are some observations from Maddie.

Bulldogs should only do a certain amount of exercise a day. Maintaining a healthy weight for your dog requires that you take your dog for a walk for at least 20-40 minutes of exercise a day and you should also make sure they are drinking plenty of water.

They are often considered to be ‘high maintenance’ dogs, particularly French and British Bulldogs, and both our puppies have already suffered from cherry eye.

Cherry eye is a swollen gland from the third eyelid. It looks like a cherry!

This is a condition when the eye starts to swell and pop out of it’s gland behind the eyelid resulting in a puffy looking reddish eye.

Younger dogs about one year old, often suffer from cherry eye and surgery is often needed to fix it. Read more here

Bulldogs should not be exposed to too much heat and they do not like changes in their routine, like a lot of humans, and while bulldogs look really cute and innocent, they are highly protective of their owners and family.

Other issues with Bulldogs could include the following:

Their teeth need to be brushed at least 3 times a week, as they can get serious dental problems.

Their deep wrinkles also need to be cleaned often and dried properly to prevent bacterial infections.

Both hips and elbows are at risk for dysplasia, an inherited disease that causes the joints to develop improperly and results in arthritis.

Distichiasis is a condition caused by extra hairs that grow inside of the eyelid and rub on the surface of the eye.

Entropion is a condition where the eyelid rolls inward, causing the eyelashes to rub against the cornea (surface of the eyeball).

This disease, also known as brachycephalic syndrome, affects dogs with a short nose, like your Bulldog.

Breeds with a large head and small pelvis are more prone to difficulties during the birthing process.

Your English Bulldog is susceptible to different kinds of skin infections and diseases. One of them is caused by yeast (Malassezia dermatitis).

Read more here for general health information on Bulldogs.

©| Author| Maddie| age 13 years.

“Health-full” honey bees

Is honey good for us? Raw honey has been enjoyed thoughout history and has always been known for its health benefits and medical uses. It has a source of antioxidants with compounds known as polyphenols which may play a role in preventing heart disease. Phytonutrients...

7 Cancer Myths

Cancer and common myths Cancer is something we are programmed to fear. Cancer statistics in the United States alone make quite alarming reading Yet the World Health Organisation reported that in 2019 the top 10 causes of death accounted for 55% of the 55.4 million...

A dog in sheep’s clothing

Thinking of selling? Don't be a dog in sheep's clothing. Do it the right way. You would not be the first sellers who have questioned what their own obligations are as to what they should disclose to potential buyers. There are some out there who will blatantly hide a...

Air fryer health benefits

When we we were renovating, I purchased my first air fryer. We had limited space so it was ideal until my brand new kitchen was installed. I have since bought my 2nd air fryer (  the same brand -deLonghi "ideal fry"), so we can take one away with us in the motorhome,...

Apple Cider Vinegar’s Mum

When fighting illness, it is common to search for products that promote healing. One thing I searched for was a way of maintaining an alkaline body. We were told that cancer does not like an alkaline environment. Cancer cells apparently thrive in acidity (low pH), but...

Are we teens addicted to gaming?

Are you spending too much time gaming or on your mobile phone? A huge percentage of children play video games and studies show an unhealthy percentage can get addicted to them. Did you also know that the World Health Organisation have recognised gaming addiction as a...

Can you hear me?

Everyone has bad days. Some days are just worse than others! When we communicate with others it is important to feel that you are heard. How often do you feel that people talk over you? It happens in shops, especially as you get older, or with people who are too busy...

Understanding Dementia

Wendy was only 58 when she was diagnosed with dementia. This brave lady has written a book about her disease. I was listening to Radio NZ this morning and heard an interview with Wendy who spoke of her life now. She seemed to normalise the disease. A disease that has...

Bad sugar

There has been plenty of research done that tells us that a diet high in sugar is bad for our health. High cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, inflammation are just a few health risks associated with consuming too much sugar. Not...

More rainbows please

Symbols of hope They say a rainbow is a symbol of hope. Rainbows are supposed to be a positive sign. They can bring a smile to the saddest person and lighten most people's moods. After my husband died I used to look out for them as I wondered about the belief in...

Create a “laugh alot” garden for kids

Remember those days of 'Lock down' which must have been incredibly hard on many people, but especially so if you were cooped up indoors with no space to play. Easy projects to keep the kids busy don’t always come to mind, but there are some that are clear winners....

Virus or bacterial infection?

With the spread of Omnicron, one of the variants of Covid-19, it is hard not to put every sniffle or tummy ache down to having the virus. This is essentially because, even though most of us who have been able to be vaccinated, have done so, most countries are having...

Mangoes are the fruit of eternal love

Who doesn't love a mango? I remember as a child eating mangoes in Africa - we would clean the stone and draw faces on it making it look like a hairy face! Later in Australia, we loved eating them and would include them in salads and puddings. The Mango is the...

Is Hashimotos Thyroiditis incurable?

 So you have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis? I was also diagnosed after many years of feeling unwell. At first, in Australia, I was tested for Ross River disease, and then the doctor sent me off to a Heart Surgeon who organised an angiogram for my heart, after I failed some...

Bounce back from illness

Ask anybody who has been ill and I am sure that they will agree, it can sometimes be hard to bounce back from illness, without following some simple rules. Stay hydrated Eat well Rest often Keep pain under control Keep moving Have a positive attitude Be kind to...

Herbs and health benefits

Herbs provide a lot of goodness to our diets  and this is often ignored by many of us in this busy world of ours. If we can improve our lifestyle by growing a little herb garden, then isn't it something worth considering ? You don't need a lot of space to create your...

Be positive and hold on tight!

Trying to stay positive is not always easy. Most of us know at least one person who seems to always see the bright side of life. And it is also true to say that we all know someone who leaves us feeling drained or sad. After undergoing some worrying health issues, I...

Eating right as a teenager

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Teenagers who are stressed and anxious

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Avoiding acne as a teen

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Asbestos hazard

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Fighting to stay healthy

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Don’t make selling harder by over-pricing

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Make your home a “healthy home”?

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House too small now?

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When is the right time to sell?

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The things kids say!

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Elephants of Etosha

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Unusual visitors

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When will Covid end?

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Turn bad news into good news

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The Bad Landlord

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Crazy world house prices

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Music soothes the soul

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Tips for a healthier home

Keeping your home healthy is an ongoing process Sometimes we ignore the smaller issues that then become the bigger issues that cause us pain when we get sick or have to pay for extensive remedial work to alleviate further issues. Climate Change is a very real problem...

Healing with food

Living with an Auto immune disease is challenging I know this first hand, as even now, some days I feel like I have been run over and can barely lift my head off the pillow, then other days I am bouncing off the wall. I also suffer at times from waves of anxiety and...

Mindfulness – when the going gets tough

When times are tough When things get tough we often feel anxious and perhaps we might even have issues with sleeping at night. Every time we get stressed, a little part of our brain called the amygdala takes control. The amygdalae defines and regulates our emotions....

The lonely bee hotel

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Fighting inflammation with Turmeric

Most people love a curry, but did you know that turmeric is one of the herbs that is known for it's beneficial cancer reducing properties, as well as also having many other health benefits. Turmeric contains curcumin, which is a substance with powerful...

Why children love and need pets

Maddie (11 years) and Lexie (8 years) are cousins in different countries, but since the rolling lockdowns,they talk daily over the internet. They can spend hours showing each other what they are doing every day, whether it is singing, dancing or aerobics, or playing...

Waste not…want not!

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Lock down fatigue

Renovating a home is not for the faint hearted Take it from one who knows! But since the beginning of the Covid outbreak and the many" lock down's" around the world, it just became harder. You would think that one would have plenty of time in lock down to do all of...

Mask up and make a difference

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The dark side of chocolate

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Is stress making you gain weight?

Have you ever wondered why stress causes you to eat more? Stress can cause many unwanted things and we might not notice them all at first. Stress and your emotional, mental  and physical health If you are feeling irritated, or overwhelmed, and have a headache, with a...

Can you cure Hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism doesn’t have to be permanent Sometimes finding out that you have an auto immune disease can not only be scary, but a relief to eventually find out why you feel so tired, and why you are putting on weight when you are actually eating less. Auto immune...

So what’s your horoscope say today?

Do you check out your daily horoscope? I wonder if there are others like me who will check out their horoscope every now and then, and if they don't like what they read, will find one that they like better? Are you also amazed that when you are reading all about your...

Get on your bike!

Riding a bike through retirement Who would have thought I would ever ride a bike again at my age? Not me that's for sure! My first bicycle was a second-hand Raleigh. Life in then "war torn" Rhodesia, with Sanctions, meant that we could not buy new things, so when I...

Can Pets improve our mental health?

A loyal friend Basil Brush was my beloved friend. He was a hairy, stocky, short little dog with bucked teeth, an underbite, and a tummy that scraped the steps if he could manage them. He had a deep bark for such a little dog and a very weak bladder, which...

The less you own, the less owns you

Do you ever feel like you are running from one task to another? Are you multi-tasking to get things done and constantly in catch-up mode, mobile phone in hand, and answering email after email, and then suddenly it is time to feed the family and catch up on laundry?...

Try something different

Simplicity is the highest form of complexity When we first went into lockdown, we decided to try ordering ready-made fresh food online. Our Millenial children had already tried My Food Bag and still love it, so we decided to give it a go too! Our findings From the...

Is Red wine good for you?

To have or to have not After a tough day, I often look forward to a relaxing glass of Pinot Noir. Recently though, after a health scare, my partner gave up alcohol almost entirely, apart from the odd glass of wine. So it made me think whether I was now tasked with the...

Is Goat’s cheese better for you than cow’s cheese?

Which is better? Goats cheese or cows cheese? I have always been wary of goats, mainly because I was attacked by one many years ago. The kind owner of the mean goat told me that "Pearl" was not attacking me but merely being friendly. I learnt how to jump a fence that...

Good, bad or ugly?

Have you ever wondered about which indoor plants are good and which are bad according to Feng Shui ? A friend of mine once remarked that her son’s new girlfriend had left an obnoxious plant by her front door called “mother- in-laws tongue” as a belated Christmas gift....

Stressed & Angry?

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90 % of how you cope with it. A sense of humour can be an amazing asset when it comes to dealing with stressful situations. It will improve your overall emotional and physical health and will help you to look at things in a...

Is coffee good for us?

There is nothing like the smell of freshly brewed coffee is there? So often we are told that coffee is not good for us, but we continue to drink it and enjoy the different varieties that are offered today. The choice is mind boggling! In fact, it is estimated that...

Kill unkindness with kindness

It doesn't cost anything to be kind By being "the rainbow" in somebody's stormy day is such a lovely way to think about being kind to others. Even a simple smile can go a long way. How often does a good mood do a U turn when your happy greeting is barely acknowledged...

Zoomers and creative writing

Children and creative writing Maddie (aged 11) loves creative writing and has sent me her reasoning as to why it is so good for children. Maddie is from a generation now referred to as "a Zoomer" - Generation Z I love that she is busy in the school holidays being so...

Feeling like a sad bear?

Seasonal affective disorder Sometimes when the days seem dull and the sun forgets to shine for days on end, we can suffer from something called SAD (Seasonal affective disorder). This depressive disorder is linked to the seasons of the year and is more common in...

Greens are good says Maddie

Spinach and Kale are 2 vegetables that are nutrient rich with loads of antioxidants, vitamins, calcium, iron and more. Maddie ( my eleven year old granddaughter) is on school holidays at the moment and has sent me a recipe that she has found for a healthy lifestyle....

Oranges to stay healthy

School holidays have arrived again and there are kids still in lock down in some countries. Maddie, my 11 year old granddaughter has sent me a good healthy recipe for a tasty orange drink. Maddie's healthy Vitamin C drink Recipe Get 6 -8 oranges ( or however many you...

Auto immune diseases

Finding out that you have an auto immune disease can be a quite scary, but by the time I found out, I was actually relieved to at last find out why I was feeling so ill most of the time. Auto immune diseases occur when the immune system, which is the body's defence...

Baby Baby good for you?

Here is a great little tip from Sandy, in Christchurch, NZ, who was advised by her surgeon to use baby shampoo as a make up remover on her eyelids after having surgery. Unlike many expensive products these days that are sold to remove makeup, like Clinque or Lancome,...

Maddie’s raw egg shake

Eleven year old Maddie sent me this quick and easy recipe. She called it a "high in protein" tasty drink. It is refreshing to see somebody so young taking an interest in healing foods. Maddie's simple recipe Use a Blender or Quick shaker Take a cup of milk One banana...

Home and income… really ?

Home and Income Many people these days are looking for ways to reduce their mortgage. What better way than to have a property that can be split into two seperate dwellings. Of course, they have to comply with the building regulations and various council rules and...

Befriend the little birds

A simple life hack from Pat... Here is a life hack or handy tip from my childhood friend, Pat Barber who lives in Maryland, USA. How to keep ants from invading Hummingbird feeders. Hang the feeder on a pole and apply a 3/4 inch collar of Vaseline near the bottom of...


A drawing by Maddie ( age 11)

Spirulina for smoothies

When my husband was undergoing chemotherapy, one of the super foods that he was recommended to use daily was Spirulina. During his cancer journey, our favourite shops soon became the pharmacies and the many health food shops, while we searched for ways of limiting the...

Cancer and Bicarb of soda

When my husband was diagnosed with cancer we were told that bicarbonate of soda was something we should investigate and get into the habit of using daily. We wanted to try every possible avenue in order to keep him healthy while he underwent the invasive chemotherapy...

Do you miss the world?

Covid-19 has made it a long 16 months so far. Just when it seems things are getting better, there is another outbreak. Like many people, I have decided to wait and get vaccinated before travelling overseas, even though I miss my family so much. Having an auto immune...


When my husband was battling cancer, lemons were one fruit that really helped. We used lemon zest in our salads, lemon juice in his smoothies and teas. Lemons are known to have an alkalising effect in the body. While they are acidic, to begin with, they also are...

Buyer’s remorse

So often when we purchase something we have a feeling of remorse soon after. This is no different when you purchase a house, in fact, the remorse and be much worse. Experienced real estate negotiators are keen to get the deal done that day for this reason. They will...

Smart gadgets

Renovating a home is not for the faint hearted Take it from one who knows! Smart wiring, or smart homes are often talked about and the digital natives amongst us know all the tricks. Just listening to some of the things required in our new smart home made my head...

Messy house or hoarder?

Sometimes it is hard to differentiate between hoarding and extreme clutter. Many times in my real estate career, I have come across people who do not see the clutter when they come to sell their homes. It is rude to point it out to them, and sometimes difficult to be...

Houses built from hemp

Some interesting ways of building homes over the years have included products such as Hemp. It has apparently been used globally as a natural building product for thousands of years. Recently a Western Australian couple hand built their three-bedroom home on a...

10 Simple Life Hacks to Stay Healthy and Active

Introduction to Healthy LivingIn today's fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can often feel overwhelming. However, implementing a few simple life hacks can significantly improve your well-being and help you stay active. This blog post explores effective...

10 warning signs to look out for when buying a house

Renovating is not always easy. Even the the tasks that look like they could be simple can turn out to me a mission to finish! Have you ever found a few cracked tiles in the kitchen and thought about replacing them? It is okay if you have spare matching tiles, but what...

A wise old donkey

One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway, it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey. He...

Are you a hoarder?

Are you a hoarder? They say you should always "declutter" when selling your home? When I was selling my own home after the death of my husband, I wondered if I was a hoarder! They say that hoarding is often a coping mechanism. Apparently if we are bereaved , or...

Herbs and health benefits

Herbs and health benefits

Healthy herbs!

Herbs provide a lot of goodness to our diets  and this is often ignored by many of us in this busy world of ours.

If we can improve our lifestyle by growing a little herb garden, then isn’t it something worth considering ?

You don’t need a lot of space to create your own special herb garden either.

Planting a small pot of Basil, Parsley or Mint and leaving them on a windowsill in a small apartment is just as effective as placing them on a balcony garden or planting them in a courtyard garden.

There are many herbs that are beneficial to us, and especially in the aftermath of the Covid pandemic, it is are very worthwhile including more of them as part of our everyday lives.

Many are not only a great addition in salads, adding colour and flavour, but they are also a rich source of valuable nutrients and antioxidants.

Why not consider replacing excessive sugary or salty sauces with fresh herbs?

They will not only boost the flavour of the dish you are preparing, but do you some good as well, so what’s not to like?

Some herbs worth having

Basil –  It has great cholesterol lowering benefits plus flavonoids that could protect white blood cells, as well as powerful antioxidants and phytochemicals, so is considered to be a great cancer fighting herb.

Parsley – Provides Vitamin C and has anti-inflammatory properties and is useful for treating fluid retention.

Peppermint– Great for indigestion or bloating and also good for relaxation.

Rosemary – A good source of calcium, iron and vitamin B6. Rosemary contains compounds that offer both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.

Oregano – Great for fighting infection. It has phytochemicals and vitamin E.

Dill– Known to reduce the risk of heart disease. It is from the same family as fennel, cumin, and bay leaves.

Sage – Known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It also contains flavonoids, phenolic acids and oxygen-handling enzymes.

Camomile–  Known for reducing anxiety and depression and can be used to soothe an upset stomach.

Thyme – High in vitamin C, and is also a good source of vitamin A and manganese.

Other herbs that boost your immune system include Echinacea, Garlic and Ginseng.

There are many helpful websites on the web to get ideas of how to care for your herbs as they become a way of life in your home.

Enjoy creating a healthy green space to share with your friends and family.

©2023| | | Author Kathryn

“Health-full” honey bees

Is honey good for us? Raw honey has been enjoyed thoughout history and has always been known for its health benefits and medical uses. It has a source of antioxidants with compounds known as polyphenols which may play a role in preventing heart disease. Phytonutrients...

7 Cancer Myths

Cancer and common myths Cancer is something we are programmed to fear. Cancer statistics in the United States alone make quite alarming reading Yet the World Health Organisation reported that in 2019 the top 10 causes of death accounted for 55% of the 55.4 million...

A dog in sheep’s clothing

Thinking of selling? Don't be a dog in sheep's clothing. Do it the right way. You would not be the first sellers who have questioned what their own obligations are as to what they should disclose to potential buyers. There are some out there who will blatantly hide a...

Air fryer health benefits

When we we were renovating, I purchased my first air fryer. We had limited space so it was ideal until my brand new kitchen was installed. I have since bought my 2nd air fryer (  the same brand -deLonghi "ideal fry"), so we can take one away with us in the motorhome,...

Apple Cider Vinegar’s Mum

When fighting illness, it is common to search for products that promote healing. One thing I searched for was a way of maintaining an alkaline body. We were told that cancer does not like an alkaline environment. Cancer cells apparently thrive in acidity (low pH), but...

Are we teens addicted to gaming?

Are you spending too much time gaming or on your mobile phone? A huge percentage of children play video games and studies show an unhealthy percentage can get addicted to them. Did you also know that the World Health Organisation have recognised gaming addiction as a...

Can you hear me?

Everyone has bad days. Some days are just worse than others! When we communicate with others it is important to feel that you are heard. How often do you feel that people talk over you? It happens in shops, especially as you get older, or with people who are too busy...

Understanding Dementia

Wendy was only 58 when she was diagnosed with dementia. This brave lady has written a book about her disease. I was listening to Radio NZ this morning and heard an interview with Wendy who spoke of her life now. She seemed to normalise the disease. A disease that has...

Bad sugar

There has been plenty of research done that tells us that a diet high in sugar is bad for our health. High cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, inflammation are just a few health risks associated with consuming too much sugar. Not...

More rainbows please

Symbols of hope They say a rainbow is a symbol of hope. Rainbows are supposed to be a positive sign. They can bring a smile to the saddest person and lighten most people's moods. After my husband died I used to look out for them as I wondered about the belief in...

Create a “laugh alot” garden for kids

Remember those days of 'Lock down' which must have been incredibly hard on many people, but especially so if you were cooped up indoors with no space to play. Easy projects to keep the kids busy don’t always come to mind, but there are some that are clear winners....

Virus or bacterial infection?

With the spread of Omnicron, one of the variants of Covid-19, it is hard not to put every sniffle or tummy ache down to having the virus. This is essentially because, even though most of us who have been able to be vaccinated, have done so, most countries are having...

Mangoes are the fruit of eternal love

Who doesn't love a mango? I remember as a child eating mangoes in Africa - we would clean the stone and draw faces on it making it look like a hairy face! Later in Australia, we loved eating them and would include them in salads and puddings. The Mango is the...

Is Hashimotos Thyroiditis incurable?

 So you have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis? I was also diagnosed after many years of feeling unwell. At first, in Australia, I was tested for Ross River disease, and then the doctor sent me off to a Heart Surgeon who organised an angiogram for my heart, after I failed some...

Bounce back from illness

Ask anybody who has been ill and I am sure that they will agree, it can sometimes be hard to bounce back from illness, without following some simple rules. Stay hydrated Eat well Rest often Keep pain under control Keep moving Have a positive attitude Be kind to...

Herbs and health benefits

Herbs provide a lot of goodness to our diets  and this is often ignored by many of us in this busy world of ours. If we can improve our lifestyle by growing a little herb garden, then isn't it something worth considering ? You don't need a lot of space to create your...

Be positive and hold on tight!

Trying to stay positive is not always easy. Most of us know at least one person who seems to always see the bright side of life. And it is also true to say that we all know someone who leaves us feeling drained or sad. After undergoing some worrying health issues, I...

Eating right as a teenager

When you are a teenager it is very important to eat a healthy diet. This will help you with skin infections like acne and help you develop strong healthy bones. Of course you can have a little treat every now and then, but too much could cause serious problems for you...

Teenagers who are stressed and anxious

When you are a teenager, there are many things that can cause stress. Most teens don't really like to talk about it so will mostly struggle with their anxiety on their own. Teenagers are known for getting far less sleep than the recommended amount of sleep we require...

Avoiding acne as a teen

Ask any teenager- acne is no fun! If you understand what causes acne then you can try and manage it with ease. When your skin follicles become blocked with oil or dead skin cells, then acne appears. It can be common for teens, but older people in their fifties can...

Business Lingo- Cars NOT Cows!

The Big Move- 1995 Emigrating to a land at the bottom of the world was exciting if not different. There were many things other than acclimatising to the cold to get used to, but also trying to understand the quick speech and odd sayings of my new country was a...

Asbestos hazard

When buying a house it is always advisable to employ a licensed building inspector to provide information on the building condition. Knowing what to budget for in respect of any repairs required in the coming years makes a lot of sense! Finding Asbestos in a home can...

Fighting to stay healthy

Shock medical diagnosis Hearing a shocking medical diagnosis is always going to be stressful. I know how I felt when we were told that my husband had only two months to live. Our world collapsed.  Shock made it difficult to breathe. What were we to do? How would we...

Don’t make selling harder by over-pricing

Buying and selling real estate is not an exact science. Real Estate salespeople are required to comply with the current legislation, and in New Zealand, for instance they need to abide by their professional client and conduct rules. Rule 10 is very important as...

Who’s your perfect match then?

Have you ever wondered who the right partner is for you? If you are single and unattached how interesting would it be if you could find the perfect match for you? Many people who have been in a relationship for a while are often shocked at how many connecting things...

When the real estate market changes

For many years, it is fair to say that Real Estate agents have been operating in a "sellers market". Post "Covid-19", what will the Real Estate market look like? There are many thoughts on this. Obviously it will be changed. There could be job losses, and more...

Make your home a “healthy home”?

Staying healthy requires not only eating the correct food and exercising the right amount, but also by making sure that we live in a healthy home environment. Everybody wants to live in a healthy home, but sometimes sadly, it is not possible for many people. However,...

House too small now?

When is the right time to upsize? Wondering if you need to upsize as your toddlers suddenly become"tweens"? Or perhaps it is when they start to bring their friends home as teenagers? It is good knowing where they are and if they feel that they can entertain friends at...

When is the right time to sell?

For many years, it is fair to say that Real Estate agents have been operating in a “sellers market”. Post “Covid-19”, what will the Real Estate market look like? There have been many thoughts on this. One thing is for sure though- it will be a different world once we...

The things kids say!

1940's -As an "Evacuee" duirng the 2nd World War I had learned two new words that day. I was an inquisitive six year old evacuee in Wales, and in the care of my foster Aunt Florrie. “What does ‘severe’ mean Aunty?” I queried. “It means ‘harsh’ or ‘really bad’ she...

Elephants of Etosha

An occasional grunt or yap of a foraging jackal punctured the surrounding silence. It was early evening and the air was oppressive as we sat mesmerised, taut with the expectation of what we would see of this promised show.  Two floodlights directed from our camp lit...

Unusual visitors

The red salt- packed road ran in a straight line up the Skeleton Coast of Namibia. We had left behind the seal colony at Cape Cross a hundred miles back, where the stench of ammonia was so strong, that it brought tears to our eyes, and cleared the sinuses instantly....

When will Covid end?

Worrying about things outside of our control is not helpful It is only with acceptance that there can be an absence of worry. This applies to most things in life. A virus has turned the world upside down. We cannot escape the media and understandably are feeling a...

Turn bad news into good news

When it seems like the bad news keeps on coming Yesterday I had a much dreaded follow up appointment with the specialist. I was feeling slightly nervous, mainly because of recent experiences, and was certainly not jumping for joy, while I remembered the pain of my...

The Bad Landlord

What price should we put on good health? Am I right in thinking that if you are renting a property, and paying good money each week for the privilege one would expect to live in a healthy home? Landlords have been put on notice after the landlords of a damp, mould...

Crazy world house prices

Buying a home is not for the faint hearted in today's market During the Covid-19 pandemic there has been much said about the shocking increase in property prices around the world. Take Brisbane, Australia for instance- the median house price in September 21 has hit a...

Music soothes the soul

The importance of music Maddie ( aged 11) wrote.... "Music can make a huge difference in peoples lives. I find that music calms me down when I'm mad or when I'm sad. We all need music in our lives as it is important that we think about ourselves every once in awhile....

Tips for a healthier home

Keeping your home healthy is an ongoing process Sometimes we ignore the smaller issues that then become the bigger issues that cause us pain when we get sick or have to pay for extensive remedial work to alleviate further issues. Climate Change is a very real problem...

Healing with food

Living with an Auto immune disease is challenging I know this first hand, as even now, some days I feel like I have been run over and can barely lift my head off the pillow, then other days I am bouncing off the wall. I also suffer at times from waves of anxiety and...

Mindfulness – when the going gets tough

When times are tough When things get tough we often feel anxious and perhaps we might even have issues with sleeping at night. Every time we get stressed, a little part of our brain called the amygdala takes control. The amygdalae defines and regulates our emotions....

The lonely bee hotel

Help our environment with a Bee Hotel During lockdown, Maddie (11) told me that she thought that a good project would be to make a Bee Hotel for the garden. At the time, she was busy re-cycling old glass coffee jars into food storage containers, and we were discussing...

Fighting inflammation with Turmeric

Most people love a curry, but did you know that turmeric is one of the herbs that is known for it's beneficial cancer reducing properties, as well as also having many other health benefits. Turmeric contains curcumin, which is a substance with powerful...

Why children love and need pets

Maddie (11 years) and Lexie (8 years) are cousins in different countries, but since the rolling lockdowns,they talk daily over the internet. They can spend hours showing each other what they are doing every day, whether it is singing, dancing or aerobics, or playing...

Waste not…want not!

When we throw away our unused old clothing, we are creating greenhouse gases which in turn contributes to climate change. Clothing that ends up in landfills around the world is increasing at alarming levels. It is a very important factor in the lives of our children...

Lock down fatigue

Renovating a home is not for the faint hearted Take it from one who knows! But since the beginning of the Covid outbreak and the many" lock down's" around the world, it just became harder. You would think that one would have plenty of time in lock down to do all of...

Mask up and make a difference

Wear a mask .... save a life If somebody who was unknowingly infected with Covid-19 or the recent highly infectious Delta variant, and they sneezed within close proximity to you, the chances are you might get the virus, even if you are vaccinated. What are the chances...

The dark side of chocolate

I was talking to eleven year old Maddie who was eating chocolate over FaceTime the other day. Many countries are still in lockdown due to the Delta variant causing so much havoc. She sent me her research this morning for a blog she wanted to write, as obviously she...

Is stress making you gain weight?

Have you ever wondered why stress causes you to eat more? Stress can cause many unwanted things and we might not notice them all at first. Stress and your emotional, mental  and physical health If you are feeling irritated, or overwhelmed, and have a headache, with a...

Can you cure Hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism doesn’t have to be permanent Sometimes finding out that you have an auto immune disease can not only be scary, but a relief to eventually find out why you feel so tired, and why you are putting on weight when you are actually eating less. Auto immune...

So what’s your horoscope say today?

Do you check out your daily horoscope? I wonder if there are others like me who will check out their horoscope every now and then, and if they don't like what they read, will find one that they like better? Are you also amazed that when you are reading all about your...

Get on your bike!

Riding a bike through retirement Who would have thought I would ever ride a bike again at my age? Not me that's for sure! My first bicycle was a second-hand Raleigh. Life in then "war torn" Rhodesia, with Sanctions, meant that we could not buy new things, so when I...

Can Pets improve our mental health?

A loyal friend Basil Brush was my beloved friend. He was a hairy, stocky, short little dog with bucked teeth, an underbite, and a tummy that scraped the steps if he could manage them. He had a deep bark for such a little dog and a very weak bladder, which...